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Family History Links:
- Bambery cousins described at
Friends of the Highland Cemetery (Lakeville, MN) web page. Information on Mary
Bambury's parents, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, and cousins,
many of whom settled in the area south of the Twin Cities, or in the
area west of Duluth.
- Photos of
Bambery tombstones at the Highland Cemetery. (Can also be reached
through above link.)
Links to Ireland:
- Listowel home page
The town's name is Lios Tuathail, "Tuathal's fort", in Irish. This
charming website touts Listowel as a "perfect place to live and work,"
one of the reasons being it is "unspoiled by the commercial rampage of
the Celtic Tiger."
Wikipedia page about Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland.
The Listowel Thread on
Boards.ie has 107
pages (and counting) of posts on Listowel. Lots of comments and photos.
Wikipedia page about Ballybunion, Co. Kerry, Ireland. The town's
name is Baile an Bhuinneánaigh, "Bunyan's Town," in Irish, after the
family which owned the town in the 16th century. It is a seaside resort
especially noted for its world-class golf courses, as well as for the ruins
of a 14th century castle.
"The Longest Ballybunion Thread on the Entire Interweb" contains
much discussion and a lot of pictures of the town.
How Uncle Jim died:
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webmaster@dorefamily.org |