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Photos ◄
1953 Reunion
1978 Reunion
2003 Reunion
2008 Reunion
Historical Photos
Reunion News
Family History
Glennys, Melinda, and Jeanne share a smile
before the 2008 reunion. |
Dan, Ed, and Paul Delanty with Judy
(Hermanson) Dearham at the 2003 reunion. |
Rare shot of Randy without a camera at the 2008
reunion. |
Lou tries to corral her gang for
a group shot at the 2003 reunion. |
Rev. Tom presides over family Mass in the YMCA's
Dannen Chapel at the 2008 reunion. |
Young Hermanson cousins resting their 5th-
generation feet at the
2003 reunion. |
Marci and grandson Severin investigate armament options
in Estes Park during the 2008 reunion. |
© 2008, 2009 Bob Hermanson - webmaster@dorefamily.org |